General Assistance Information

The municipality of Liberty administers a General Assistance program for the assistance of the poor. Pursuant to Title 22 MRSA §4305, the municipal officers have adopted an ordinance establishing this program. A copy of this ordinance is available for public inspection at the Liberty Town Office.

Persons who wish to apply for General Assistance may do so at the Liberty Town Office during the following times:
Monday 10AM- 8PM
Tuesday 10AM – 2:30PM
Thursday 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM
1st Saturday 9AM-1PM

In case of emergency, applicants may contact: Melinda Steeves at 207-589-4450

The Municipality’s General Assistance administrator must issue a written decision within 24 hours of receiving an application.

General Assistance ordinances and statues are available to the public.

The Department of Human Services toll-free telephone number to call with a question regarding the General Assistance Program is 1-800-442-6003.

This notice is posted pursuant to Title 22 MRSA § 4304-4305